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Getting Started with Azure Active Directory

The Azure Cost Monitor Team offers support for Microsoft Azure Active Director. Microsoft Azure Active Directory is an identity and access management cloud solution that provides a robust set of capabilities to manage users and groups. It also helps to secure access to cloud applications including Microsoft online services like Office 365.  

This feature allows to link teams against an existing Azure Active Directory. By doing so, a centralized identity and access management can be realized easily. The support of Azure Active Directory Groups, enables you to grant access to dedicated groups of people or departments within your enterprise. This ensures an easy integration into your existing IT service infrastructures . Last but not least, a seamless sign-in experience for all users (single-sign-on) can be generated by combining the Azure Directory setup with the customer buckets feature.

Linking an existing Azure Active Directory to the Azure Cost Monitor is that simple:

  1. Log in to the Azure Cost Monitor Dashboard and if you don’t have a team account migrate to a team:

  2. Select the “Link to Azure Active Directory” button to start the setup process

  3. Follow the description and login for the first time with a global administrator of your Azure Active Directory to give the required consent that allows users of your Azure Active Directory to sign in to the Azure Cost Monitor.

  4. After the successful consent save the directory settings. All users of the Azure Active Directory can use the Azure Cost Monitor now.

  5. Configure a new bucket so that all users will be redirected to the Active Directory Sign-In process automatically. This step is optional and can be done later as well.

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